Monday, January 3, 2011

…It’s a New Year!

After a week and lots TONS of cleaning! We had our first house guests… granted we only had plastic-ware for them to eat off of, nothing for them to sleep on, and oh yeah… only 2 bar stools for them to sit on. But the Jamies did not mind!
We had a fantastic weekend sans-furniture!
(so what if it was belated… shhh don’t tell!)
We went out to eat at an AMAZING seafood restaurant in downtown Charleston called Hyman. It has been featured in Southern Living, The New York Times, and Life, just to name a few. It has also been visited by countless celebrities… we (well I say we, but Jamie Michelle probably knew, having eaten there before) had NO idea!

Anyway on every Table, they have name plates (sometimes 2 or 3 deep) saying who (and sometimes it’s more than one person—whole teams!!) has eaten there in the past…100_3594

After dinner we rang in the new year at a place called Club Light… only a block over, in the downtown area.
Then home for the remainder of the evening :)
Self explanatory!
               BLING!!!                               She loves me!… Ok, FINE-we love each other!
Cooking Breakfast Casserole for the next morning… at 4:00 am

Jamie and I went to run errands after we ate and lounged for a while… we let the boys watch football, and we went out to be MEN! We went to LOWE’S!!!!
We bought a new fan for the living room, a new piston (the black thing that allows the glass door not to slam shut), light bulbs, AND had new keys made for the house. Then we went to Jamie’s aunt Phyllis’ house and borrowed her ladder so that the boys could do work son!
We went out to a movie (How Do You Know) then came home for a home cooked meal… Most of the world calls it Kings Ranch Casserole… but I more lovingly call it Beth Moore (because I discovered it on her blog)
Then we played Rummikub (you should make sure you know the rules before you start!)
Justin had to go to work :( so Jamie and Jamie D. and I (and all the dogs) decided to move the camp-in to the living room and be lazy…
  It was a great distraction from the fact that we have no furniture in our house yet! I am super glad that they came!!!!! Shortly after they left, the movers called to confirm that they are indeed coming on the 6th!!!!!!!!!! YAY!!! Just till Thursday ;)
…Stay tuned for more pictures of the house!

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